The scope of ICCCI 2023 includes all topics related with processing data and knowledge from autonomous sources, especially in: collective processing, knowledge integration, data integration, group decision making, multi-criteria decision making, consensus computing, and social networks.
ICCCI 2023 will consist of regular sessions with technical contributions reviewed and selected by an international program committee, as well as of invited keynote presented by leading scientists.
The ICCCI 2023 invites proposals for Workshops & Special Sessions to be held during the conference.
They intend to provide researchers in focused areas the opportunity to present and discuss their work, as well as to offer a forum for interaction among a broader community of researchers. A Special Session or Workshop will consist of a group of papers in a sub-discipline of Intelligent Information and Database Systems related to the main topics of ICCCI 2023.
Please send the Workshops & Special Session proposals to Adrianna Kozierkiewicz ( with the following information:
The papers will be required to meet the same standards as ICCCI 2023 papers and will be published in the conference proceedings, in a bound volume by Springer-Verlag in their Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series.
All the Special Sessions and Doctoral Track will be centralized as tracks in the same conference submission and reviewing system as the regular papers.
The organizers will be responsible for the advertisement and promotion of the special session and the conference including the Special Session & Workshop webpage preparation.
The management of papers review will be achieved by Special Session & Workshop Committees, using the Conference System (a separate EasyChair track will be provided for each Special Session & Workshop).
The organizers are responsible for managing the review process. All the reviews should be submitted through the ICCCI conference system. Each paper should obtain at least two reviews.
The final decision as for the acceptance will be taken by the ICCCI 2023 Program Committee based on recommendations provided by Special Session & Workshop organizers.